Monday 9 July 2012

Monday 9th July

Well - yesterday we were on the Universal Studio Tour bus and today we were filming on the Universal backlot with the New York Film Academy and people were taking pictures of us! Our class-room was a New York  alley set  opposite the set where The Amazing Spiderman was filmed. We all participated in filming a scene with a dollytrack - we took the roles of camera operator, focus-puller, assistant director and talent. We even got to take pictures in the square where 'Back to the Future' was filmed - it's tiny in real life!

We were then whisked away to In and Out for our zillionth burger and fries meal and then we arrived at the Sony Studios Tour. We had our pictures taken with Spiderman, Ecto1, the car from 'Ghostbusters' and saw the building where Peter Parker (the last one) graduated. We visited the Foley Studio and saw a working set for the sitcom 'Men at Work' and then sat in the sets for 'Wheel of Fortune' and 'Jeopardy!' Came back to the hotel and had burger and chips by the pool (though there was some salad and veg too - for a change). Looking forward to Warner Bros tour tomorrow.      

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having a great time - the New York Film Academy sounds like a much better experience than last year.

    Neil, make sure you're polishing off some bacon and pancake stacks at Twains on my behalf, I miss those bad boys.

    Have fun, post some pictures!

